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Barabom Dermatology Clinic

5 Dermatologists, No. 1 Dermatology in the World


Sculptra stimulates collagen production in the skin to restore natural volume and elasticity. Learn more about safe procedures and tips for preventing nodules at Baraboo Dermatology!

Procedure Products

1 (9 cc) bottle of Skultra

Personalized facial contouring with natural volume and plumping and skin elasticity for a personalized facial contour Correction
550,000원 650,000원 (excluding VAT 10%)    

1 bottle of Skultra (9cc) 3 times

Personalized facial contouring with natural volume and plumping and skin elasticity for a personalized facial contour Correction
1,490,000원 1,560,000원 (excluding VAT 10%)    

1 (9 cc) bottle of Skultra

Personalized facial contouring with natural volume and plumping and skin elasticity for a personalized facial contour Correction
650,000 KRW (excluding VAT 10%)

1 bottle of Skultra (9cc) 3 times

Personalized facial contouring with natural volume and plumping and skin elasticity for a personalized facial contour Correction
1,560,000 KRW (excluding VAT 10%)

Skin Detective Youtube & Blog

Skin Detective Youtube

Does the expensive "Sculptra" cause nodules?? | If you are planning to have this procedure, you should watch this video!

Jeju Island Conference Review

Skin Lifting with Sculptra Procedure Using Vector Technique

Scultra Side Effects - Tips for Preventing and Treating Nodules!


스컬트라는 피부 속 콜라겐 생성을 촉진하여 자연스럽고 볼륨 있는 피부를 만들어주는 콜라겐 촉진제.
The main component is Poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA)which means Biocompatibleand Absorbable synthetic polymers.
PLLA is a safe material that has been used for over 30 years in medical sutures (Vicryl®), absorbable pins, plates, screws, and more, Biodegradable and Bioabsorbablecharacterized by the following

Scultra's effects and how it works

  1. Boost collagen production
    PLLA is a type of cell line that can be injected into a foreign-body giant cell reactionto induce collagen regeneration in the skin.
    This makes Skullduggery more than just a volume-filling filler, Biostimulator or Collagen Boosterin the following example.
  2. Persistence of effects
    After the procedure 4~6주부터 콜라겐 합성이 시작되며, 효과는 1½ to 2+ years Persistent.
  3. Natural Volume
    Over time, you'll see natural skin improvement.

명품 콜라겐 주사

Skullduggery is not the same as filler, which is simply filling a volume with foreign material.
Skultrais a Collagen Boosterto help firm and plump skin by regenerating your own natural collagen.

More natural effects over time

스컬트라는 시간이 지나면서 점점 더 자연스러운 볼륨 효과를 보여줍니다.
주입된 PLLA 성분이 콜라겐 생성을 자극해, 피부 속부터 탄력과 볼륨을 회복시킵니다.

  • As the face is volumized, the Lifting Effectsand Improving elasticity
  • Overall impression Look energized and younger Improvements

If you recommend Scultra

  • Face volume is reducedIf you are concerned about
  • Fillers are difficult or Natural volume over fillerwhen you want
  • Face-wide Firming and lifting effectsIf you expect
스컬트라 박스
스컬트라 바이알

The key to Sculptra's effectiveness: the correct hydration process

To maximize the effectiveness of Scultra's procedures Hydration process이 매우 중요합니다.
스컬트라의 주성분인 Poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA)mannitol, sodium carboxymethylcelluloseand Fine particles 40 to 60 micrometers in diameterwhich consists of
이러한 성분이 안정적으로 피부에 전달되려면 정확한 수화 과정이 필수적입니다.

The importance of the Scultra hydration process

  1. Preventing bubbles
    • 증류수를 주입할 때 18G Coarse Needleto slowly inject.
    • 바늘 직경이 클수록 천천히 흐르며 거품 발생이 줄어듭니다.
  2. Adequate hydration time
    • 증류수로 희석한 후 최소 24 hours or more It should be stable at room temperature.
    • 흔들거나 충격을 주면 미세 입자들이 뭉쳐 결정 형성 and 부작용(결절)의 원인이 될 수 있습니다.
  3. The blending process
    • 충분한 수화가 완료된 후, 시술 직전에 리도카인을 섞어 최종 9cc Make it a concentration.
    • For a homogeneous suspension Hand rollingor Roller Mixersto blend.
Skultra RollerMixer
A good example of a Scultra mix
Well-Mixed Skeletons
A good example of a Scultra mix
A good example of a Scultra mix

Dangers of incorrect sign language

  • 증류수를 너무 빠르게 주입하거나 혼합 과정에서 과도한 흔들림이 있을 경우, PLLA 입자가 뭉쳐 불균일한 덩어리가 생길 수 있습니다.
  • If you proceed with the procedure in this state, the Blocked or nodular needles The cause of the formation.
  • 불균일하게 혼합된 스컬트라는 폐기해야 하므로, 정확한 준비 과정이 필수입니다.
Examples of bad mixes in Skultra
Excessive shaking
Example of a bad mix of Skultra2
Uneven clumping of PLLA particles as a result of excessive shaking

Sculptra Progression and Recommended Number of Treatments

Sculptra is a procedure that restores volume and elasticity to the skin through natural collagen production, with gradual results over time.
It's important to understand exactly what happens immediately after the procedure and afterward.

Progress after a Sculptra procedure

  1. Immediately after the procedure
    • Scultra is diluted with distilled water, so immediately after the procedure, the volume of the distilled water will cause the Instant volumeon the page.
    • This volume is temporary, and is usually Within 1 week It disappears as the distilled water is absorbed.
  2. 4 to 6 weeks after the procedure
    • As collagen synthesis begins in earnest Improves natural volume and elasticityappears.
  3. Long-term retention
    • The collagen produced is called 1½ to 2+ years It's long-lasting and provides progressively more natural and satisfying results.

Recommended number of procedures

  1. If you can feel the effects after just one treatment
    • 환자의 약 40%는 1회 시술 후에도 효과를 느낄 수 있습니다.
  2. If you need more than one procedure
    • Patient in 30%will check the effect after 2 procedures.
    • 나머지 30%는 3회 시술 이후에 효과를 느낄 수 있습니다.
  3. Recommended procedure schedule
    • 3 treatments 4 weeks apartand may require additional procedures to maximize its effectiveness.
    • 이후에는 1년 간격 1회 시술을 권장합니다.

Guidance for when Skullduggery doesn't work

One of the most common side effects of Scultra is that patients do not experience as much benefit as expected.

  • To put it positively, 70% patients see results in 1 to 2 treatmentsbut,
  • On the negative side, Approximately 60% will not notice any effect after 1 treatmentis present.

For this reason, Explain Skultra's progress and expectations well in advanceis required.

Preventing Nodules After Sculptra: Careful Care by a Specialist

One of the main side effects of Scultra is Nodule은 시술 후 발생할 수 있는 가장 우려되는 부분입니다.
다행히, 대부분의 결절은 시간이 지나면서 자연스럽게 소멸되며, 심각한 부작용(농양, 조직 괴사)으로 발전하는 경우는 드뭅니다.
결절 발생을 최소화하기 위해 시술 과정에서 다음의 예방 팁을 철저히 지키는 것이 중요합니다.

4 Key Tips for Preventing Skultra Nodules

1. hydrate well

  • The lyophilized powder of Scultra should be dissolved in distilled water and lidocaine solution to reduce the risk of nodules forming.
  • Prevention methods:
    • 굵은 바늘(18G)을 사용하여 증류수를 천천히 주입.
    • Be careful not to shake or subject it to excessive shock.
    • Min Hydration time over 24 hoursin the file.

2. adhere to proper injection depth

  • Injecting Sculptra too close to the skin's surface increases the likelihood of nodules forming.
  • Make sure to maintain the proper injection depth for each site.
    • Supraperiosteal Injection: Temples, cheekbones, chin, etc.
    • Subcutaneous Injection: Mid-cheek, earlobe area, etc.

3. Select the appropriate procedure site

  • Around the eyes and lipsis not performed.
  • Areas of high muscle movementthe drug is more likely to clump together and cause nodules.
  • Procedures should be centered on areas that are safe and effective.

4. sufficient massage

  • Immediately after the injection, it's important to massage the Sculptra ingredients into the skin to distribute them evenly.
  • The 5-5-5 Rule of Massage:
    • Massage in a circular motion for 5 minutes at a time, 5 times a day, for 5 days.
    • Educate patients on this process as well and encourage them to stick with it.
Sculptra Injection Depth (Left) Intra-Periosteal (Right) Subcutaneous

Treatment Methods for Skultra Nodules

스컬트라 시술 후 발생할 수 있는 Nodule은 대부분 시간이 지나면서 Natural attritionwill be.
결절은 스컬트라의 주요 성분인 Poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA)가 체내에서 점차 흡수되면서 사라지므로, 초기에는 지나치게 성급한 치료를 시도하지 않는 것이 중요합니다.

The process of natural disappearance of nodules

  • 스컬트라 결절은 PLLA 성분이 체내에서 분해되고 흡수되며 점차 감소합니다.
  • 대다수의 결절은 특별한 치료 없이도 문제를 일으키지 않고 자연적으로 해결will be.

If you need medical attention

결절이 시간이 지나도 지속되거나, 환자가 불편감을 호소하는 경우에는 다음의 치료 옵션을 고려할 수 있습니다:

  1. Topical steroid injections
    • To reduce the nodule size triamcinolone Injecting the same topical steroid.
    • It is effective if the nodule is located deep in the skin.
  2. Nodule excision
    • The nodule protrudes beyond the skin and becomes a cosmetic concern or causes discomfort, Abstinenceto remove it.
    • Ablation can be performed simply under local anesthesia.

Cautions for treating nodules

  • 결절 치료는 결절의 상태, 크기, 위치, 환자의 불편감 정도를 고려해 신중히 결정해야 합니다.
  • 지나치게 성급한 조치는 피부 조직에 손상을 줄 수 있으므로 충분한 관찰이 우선입니다.
  • It's important to fully consult with your patient to develop a treatment plan.

Procedures that work well with Sculpt


Aid in Ultrasonic Lifting
DeepSee technology precisely targets the submuscular fascia (SMAS) layer, delivering high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) energy and lifting it through the thermal coagulation points created.


A premium anti-aging treatment that applies heat to the dermis layer with radiofrequency energy to induce collagen regeneration, increase skin elasticity, and tighten facial lines.

Introduce the medications/devices used in the procedure

스컬트라 - 얼굴 윤곽과 깊은 주름 개선에 적합한 콜라겐생성촉진제

Post-procedure precautions

  • There may be pain/redness/bruising after the procedure.
  • Please refrain from saunas, steam rooms, smoking, alcohol, etc. for 2-3 days.
  • Massage the treated area in circular motions for 5 minutes a day for 5 days.
  • Avoid direct sunlight and ultraviolet light until swelling and redness subside.
  • Minimize other irritants and use cold compresses to reduce swelling, preferably without direct skin contact
  • For maximum results, we recommend 3 treatments one month apart. 
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