Under-eye fillers
다크서클과 눈밑 꺼짐을 개선하여 생기 있는 눈매를 만들어주며, 피곤해 보이는 인상을 줄이고 어려 보이는 이미지를 완성시키는 필러
Procedure Products
[눈밑 필러] 국산필러
1cc 150,000원ㅣ2cc 270,000원ㅣ3cc 380,000원ㅣ추가 1cc당 120,000원 (부가세 10% 별도)
[눈밑 필러] 외산필러
1cc 320,000원ㅣ2cc 600,000원ㅣ3cc 900,000원이후ㅣ추가 1cc당 290,000원 (부가세 10% 별도)
[눈밑 필러] 국산필러
1cc 180,000원ㅣ2cc 340,000원ㅣ3cc 480,000원ㅣ추가 1cc당 150,000원 (부가세 10% 별도)
[눈밑 필러] 외산필러
1cc 350,000원ㅣ2cc 680,000원ㅣ3cc 990,000원이후ㅣ추가 1cc당 300,000원 (부가세 10% 별도)
Skin Detective Youtube & Blog
Introduce the medications/devices used in the procedure
Domestic fillers use neuramis/fill and foreign fillers use restylane/velotero.
Post-procedure precautions
- There may be pain/redness/bruising after the procedure.
- Avoid contact with water as much as possible on the day of the procedure, and only lightly wash your face.
- Makeup and showering can begin the day after your procedure.
- Please avoid drinking / smoking for at least 3 days.
- Avoid saunas/bathing/strenuous exercise for 1 week.
- If necessary, perform additional procedures 1-2 weeks after the procedure.
- Avoid touching or bumping the treated area for one month after the procedure, and avoid meridian massage.
- If you experience severe pain, skin changes, or fever after the procedure, please contact the clinic for more information.
- **시술 부위별 주의사항** – 이마 / 앞광대 / 턱 : 부딪힘, 눌림 (모자 착용 금지) – 코 : 안경, 선글라스 2주간 착용 금지 – 눈밑: 억지로 표정근육 움직이는 자극