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Barabom Dermatology Clinic

5 Dermatologists, No. 1 Dermatology in the World

Erythema/ rosacea

Rosacea - Redness Laser Program

Redness and flushing caused by rosacea can now be effectively treated with our specialized redness program. Safe and fast skin improvement with V-Beam Perfecta laser!

Telangiectasia - Vimeo Perfecta

Telangiectasia treatment, experience at Barabom Dermatology. Remove red thread veins and improve skin tone with the V-Beam Perfecta laser. Contact us today for a safe and professional treatment.

주사피부염 - LDM 관리

주사피부염으로 인한 붉은 기와 염증, 이제 바라봄피부과의 LDM 관리로 효과적으로 해결하세요. 민감성 피부도 안전한 초음파 치료로 피부 진정과 장벽 강화를 경험해보세요.

Chronic Eczema - Hiracel

Treat atopic dermatitis/sensitive skin/contact dermatitis/dry skin/chronic eczema with HiraCell, which is lost.
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